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Your Benefits

Politec International, Your Benefits
  • The professional international experience with a focus on sales staff and sales partnerships leads to faster, reliable results with a high success rate.
  • Through direct contacts we also activate candidates who are not currently searching for a new position or a business opportunity (through an advertisement typically you get in contact with candidates who are actively looking for a new position or business).
  • The combined ways to contact and activate potentials, database screening, advertisements and face to face meetings, typically the POLITEC recruitment approach allows to present 3 - 6 pre-selected candidates for final decision.
  • Our flat rate and more than 20 years international, cross-sectional experience are eliminating tunnel vision and country risks
  • Payment is requested according to the project progress, final payment after the qualifying period.
  • Ideal geo-strategic location with excellent high-way and direct-fly connections: 300 km to Brussels, 500 km to Paris, 300 km to Frankfurt, 550 km to Munich, 530 km to London, 650 km to Prague, 1 050 km to Milan or Warszawa.